Buildup webinar on the “CRAVEzero pinboard”
The webinar took place November 14 from 12:00 to 13:30.
In case you have missed it you can watch it here:
The CRAVEzero pinboard is a structured framework organizing all needed information and tools to build reliable low life cycle cost nZEBs. It comprises all major results and outcomes. It thereby is an interactive support web tool for most of the involved stakeholders (developer, design team, advisors, general contractor, suppliers/sub-contractors, investor and financer). The pinboard enables the organization of data and information in a user-friendly and understandable way. The aim is to provide the user with all necessary information, online and downloadable tools and databases to develop specific low LCC nZEB business models and technology sets suitable for different building types in different climate regions.
In this regard, the pinboard is the backbone of CRAVEzero, allowing changing the approach for the design and construction of new nZEBs through the solutions, ideas and knowledge generated. The main components are:
- Life-cycle cost database and LCC tools (online and downloadable)
- Process map and process tracker supporting the project management throughout all stages of the life-cycle
- Business Model repository to assess existing Business Models and develop new ones based on the Business Model Canvas
- Case-study dashboard
In the webinar the main components will be shown and explained to enable the participants in efficiently using the pinboard in their own work.
- General project overview – Tobias Weiss; AEE INTEC
- LCC tool – Roberta Pernetti / Federico Garzia; eurac research
- Process/ design map – Klara Meier; ATP sustain / Tobias Weiss; AEE INTEC
- Business models – Benjamin Köhler / Fatma Özceylan; Fraunhofer ISE
- Parametric simulation dashboard – Tobias Weiss / David Venus; AEE INTEC
- Questions & answers