nZEB life cycle processes

In order to be able to optimise nZEB related processes, project specific roles, interactions, tasks and schedules, depending on the stakeholder perspective, must be known. Building owners, investors, tenants, construction companies and planners have different interests and are involved in different phases in the life cycle of buildings. There is a general lack of understanding, transparency and uniform methods when it comes to the process of nZEBs.

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The EU-Horizon 2020 project CRAVEzero focuses on proven and new approaches to reduce costs and improve nZEBs at all stages of the life cycle. The main goal is to identify and eliminate the extra costs for nZEBs related to inefficient processes and technologies and to promote innovative business models taking into account the cost-effectiveness for all the stakeholders.

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Energy-Flexible nZEBs

The increasing share of fluctuating renewable energy generation in the electricity grids requires technical measures, new market designs and models to balance generation and demand for electricity on the demand and supply side. As buildings are major energy consumers in the energy system and electricity for heating, domestic hot water and cooling, as well as on-site electricity generation from renewables are increasing, the integration of building energy systems/ buildings in the energy system is gaining importance. Renewable electricity is generated on-site, stored in batteries, which could also be used for balancing the local distribution networks, heat-pumps and electrical vehicles are new electrical consumers in buildings with relatively high connected power,…there are many new and already established technologies, which have to be integrated into the system and be operated in a way stabilizing the electricity grids.
There are several different options, flexibility goals and KPIs discussed in the field of energy efficiency and flexibility. Furthermore, there are different options and needed technologies to provide flexibility. In the CRAVEzero report ‘Energy flexible building managing models’, these are described in detail. Furthermore, technologies and different methods were applied in some of the CRAVEzero case study buildings. The options are compared using three different approaches/ KPIs, namely:

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NZEB Construction Market

The building sector in Europe is responsible for approximately 40% of the total energy consumption. The percentage accounted for residential buildings amounts at 27% of […]

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Residence Alizari

Owner: HABITAT 76 Architect: ATELIER DES DEUX ANGES Energy Concept: ZEB (regarding heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and DHW) and PassivHaus Location: Malaunay (France) Construction Date: […]

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Owner: Neue Heimat Tirol Architect: Architekturwerkstatt din a4 Energy Concept: cogeneration unit wood + solar thermal energy (dhw) + air system with heat recovery Location: […]

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